Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shuffle Round

Welcome to Shuffle round, when all the teams get switched around just to spice things up a bit. There are people who are really nervous about shuffle round (who are these people on my team now?!) and people who are really excited about it (more good friends to make!). I, for one, am a little of both. Although it is the shortest round, third round will present new team dynamics and more interesting challenges as a team leader (will this team get along as well as the original team?). The Earth Oneders will now consist of six new members and three original members. The other original members are on projects in Illinois, Missouri, and western Louisiana. Now that we've finished with transition and summer break, the new team will be leaving for.... drum roll please... New Orleans! We will be working with lowernine.org, an organization that helps families rebuild their hurricane-ravaged homes. Those of us who were just in New Orleans are excited to return and those of us who haven't been there yet are really excited to be going there. We have already been warned of the scorching summer heat down there, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll survive another round on the gulf. Now the shuffle team has been selected, and we're ready to head down to the Gulf!

Maria C.

1 comment:

Ronny W. said...

Very cool! I hope all is well! Tell everyone I said hi!

-Ronny Walden

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