Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Teacher Becomes the Student

As my teammates have mentioned in previous entries, we are reaching the end of our service in AmeriCorps. I can't even begin to express the emotions that I am facing regarding this wrap up. We are currently about three weeks into our fourth (and final) project, the St. Bernard Project...and I am hooked. I can't seem to get enough of working with volunteers and contributing to the rebuilding of homes here in Louisiana.

This past week is an excellent example of why I am so continuously excited about this project: Every year, the St. Bernard Project organizes an event called Women's Rebuild. Women (and sometimes men!) from all over the United States visit the St. Bernard Parish and volunteer with the St. Bernard Project for however long they'd like to stay. I think it's safe to say that I received some of the strongest and most beautiful women out of the group as my volunteers for the week. My job, as a site supervisor, was to train them in all three stages of drywall mudding for a house I have been working on these past couple of weeks. I am pretty certain that I ended up learning more from them than they did from me.

What they taught me was the fact that compassion and love is still very much alive in this world. They came into this house and immediately treated it as their own. They surrounded me with their bright personalities and eagerness to work as hard as they could every day. Sadly, today was my last day of working with these amazing women. But, because of them, I will walk into that house with the compassion they showed me, and I will give more of myself in making this house into a wonderful home... a home that belongs to a young and grateful family.

The contributions that these volunteers have given to this project have not only given hope to the residents of the St. Bernard Parish, but also to me... a twenty-four year old woman who will never forget the strength and care that was encountered during her past week of work. I hope they read this entry. I hope they know how wonderful of a role they have played in my life. I can't thank them enough.


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